There are two types of dataslots available in Savvion, the Predefined Dataslots and Userdefined Dataslots.
Predefined Dataslots: Predefined dataslots also known as System Dataslots which are common to all Savvion projects. This dataslots are set when the instance is created or read at run time and are readable only by the worksteps. The Business Manager can read the values of system dataslots but can’t change their values. Thus system dataslots are only available as input
dataslots as readable and not as output or editable dataslots.
AllDataslots: It contains all the user defined dataslots and their associated values which are stored in a HashMap as key value pairs. To pass this dataslot to a adapter, the adapter class should have setALLDATASLOTS(Object) function.
Creator: This dataslot stores the creator of the instance.
Priority: This dataslot contains the priority of the instance and store it at runtime. The valid values can be Low, Medium, High or Critical.
Process Name: It contains the savvion manager process name in string which is the concatenation of template name and unique number or process instance id.
Start Time: It store the time when the process instance is created.
Workstep Name: Stores the name of the workstep.
User Defined Dataslots: User defined dataslots are the dataslots that are defined by the user at the time of application development using BPM Studio.
Very useful thank you.
However, do you know where I can find a list of all predefined dataslots or are the ones you listed everything?
The above listed are the only available Savvion predefined system dataslots which are Alldataslots, Creator, Priority, Process Name, Start Time and Workstep Name.
To check the available system dataslots, open your Process Template and click on 'Dataslots' tab which will show you all your defined dataslots including system dataslots.
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